Faced with obsolescence and scarcity, BIBUS France reinvents MCO

In an industrial world where obsolescence and scarcity have become growing challenges, maintenance in operational condition (MOC) has become increasingly complex.
These phenomena impact both technical and logistical support, leading to loss of efficiency or system unavailability.

At BIBUS France:
We are proud of the durability of our products such as ACE shock absorbers, which have been in our catalog for over 30 years.

Repairability is at the heart of our offer:

 Thanks to Bansbach's Easylift concept, we can customize your gas springs right from the first order, ensuring their long-term manufacture and even replacing their competitors !

To limit the risk of shortages, BIBUS France doesn't work miracles. But with a "just in time" logistics offer, close collaboration with our partners, upstream management of customer forecasts and exclusive agreements at BIBUS Group level, we ensure medium- and long-term availability for all our customers.

Stop searching in vain for plans B, C, D... And put your trust in the BIBUS promise. We are proud to support our customers' MOC strategy with economically viable and sustainable solutions.